AIIMS Unveiled: A Visual Symphony of Numbers

Unveiling the canvas of progress, our graphical odyssey unveils the quantum of faculty, students, and funding across India’s new upcoming AIIMS establishments. Amidst the evolving landscape, AIIMS New Delhi still stands as a benchmark of distinction, casting a guiding light for its peers as they carve their unique paths towards academic brilliance and healthcare innovation.


Aditya Dahiya


December 10, 2023

Here, we look at some intersting statistics provided in reply to a question in Rajya Sabha (India’s Council of States, Upper House of the Parliament) Question 273, of the ongoing (December 2023) session. The question, and its answer, compares the 23 different All India Institute(s) of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), that have come up across India, and their comparison with the original AIIMS (New Delhi). The original question can be viewed here. The complete answer (in PDF) can be seen here.

[Note: All of the statistics come from official Rajya Sabha Website]

Figure 1: Interactive Map of India, with locations of various AIIMS Institutes

Figure 2: Exploring Faculty and student numbers in different AIIMS (as of Dec 2023)

Figure 3: Percentage Faculty positions filled and vacant across different AIIMS

Figure 4: Comparing OPD and IPD (Admissions) numbers within each AIIMS

Figure 5: Ratio of OPD patients per month to the existing faculty at each AIIMS

Figure 6: Spending, per MBBS seat: Sanctioned and Actual, for different AIIMS

The Complete Data (from Rajya Sabha reply)