Cropping and Masking rasters with vectors using {sf} and {terra}
Showing maps of various boroughs of London using rasters from open source Stadia Maps, and london boroughs from {spData}.
Aditya Dahiya
December 29, 2024
Getting required libraries
library(sf) # Simple Features and Vectors in Rlibrary(terra) # Handling rasterslibrary(tidyterra) # Tidyverse workflows with rasterslibrary(tidyverse) # Wrangling and plottinglibrary(spData) # London Boroughs data
Get data on London Boroughs as vector data, results shown in Figure 1
london <- spData::lnd |> janitor::clean_names() |>select(name, hectares, geometry)g <- london |>ggplot(mapping =aes(fill = name,label = name ) ) +geom_sf(alpha =0.8,linewidth =0.1 ) +geom_sf_text(size =1,check_overlap =TRUE ) +labs(x =NULL, y =NULL,title ="Vector data, plotted with {sf}",subtitle ="Boroughs of London" ) +theme_minimal(base_size =6 ) +theme(legend.position ="none" )ggsave(plot = g,filename = here::here("geocomputation", "images","crop_mask_rasters_1.png"),height =800,width =1000,units ="px",bg ="white")
Figure 1: Vector data on London Boroughs’ boundaries, plotted using {sf}
Getting bbox and other parameters for getting rasters
# A bounding box in the format c(lowerleftlon, lowerleftlat, upperrightlon, upperrightlat)london_bbox <-st_bbox(london)names(london_bbox) <-c("left", "bottom", "right", "top")london_bbox
Get raster map data for entire London Area
# Getting the map tileslondon_base1 <-get_stadiamap(bbox = london_bbox,zoom =10,maptype ="stamen_toner_lines")# Credits: by andyteucher on StackOverFlow ( Define a function to fix the bbox to be in CRS EPSG:3857ggmap_bbox <-function(map) {# Extract the bounding box (in lat/lon) from the ggmap# to a numeric vector, and set the names to what# sf::st_bbox expects: map_bbox <-setNames(unlist(attr(map, "bb")),c("ymin", "xmin", "ymax", "xmax") )# Coonvert the bbox to an sf polygon, transform it to 3857,# and convert back to a bbox (convoluted, but it works) bbox_3857 <-st_bbox(st_transform(st_as_sfc(st_bbox(map_bbox, crs =4326) ), 3857 ) )# Overwrite the bbox of the ggmap object with the transformed coordinatesattr(map, "bb")$ <- bbox_3857["ymin"]attr(map, "bb")$ll.lon <- bbox_3857["xmin"]attr(map, "bb")$ <- bbox_3857["ymax"]attr(map, "bb")$ur.lon <- bbox_3857["xmax"] map}# Use the function to convert our downloaded Raster Files into # the new CRS and new bounding box CRSlondon_base2 <-ggmap_bbox(london_base1)