Chapter 19

Missing Values


Aditya Dahiya


October 2, 2023


19.3.4 Exercises

Question 1

Can you find any relationship between the carrier and the rows that appear to be missing from planes?

Yes, as we can see in the Table 1 , the airline carriers MQ and AA have most of their aircrafts’ tail numbers missing from the planes data-set, apart from few other carriers that have a small percentage of their data missing.


# Create a vector of carriers that have tailsnums missing in planes
car_vec = flights |>
  distinct(tailnum, carrier) |>
  anti_join(planes) |>
  distinct(carrier) |>
  as_vector() |>

# Find total tailnums for these carriers
total_tails = flights |>
  filter(carrier %in% car_vec) |>
  group_by(carrier) |>
    total_aircrafts = n_distinct(tailnum)

flights |>
  distinct(tailnum, carrier) |>
  anti_join(planes) |>
  count(carrier, name = "missing_tailnums") |>
  full_join(total_tails) |>
  mutate(percentage_missing = missing_tailnums/total_aircrafts) |>
  arrange(desc(percentage_missing)) |>
  gt() |>
  gt_theme_538() |>
  cols_label_with(fn = ~ janitor::make_clean_names(., case = "title")) |>
  fmt_percent(columns = percentage_missing) |>
    style = list(cell_text(weight = "bold") ),
    locations = cells_body(columns = percentage_missing)) 
Table 1:

Percentage of tail numbers of each carrier that is missing from planes data set

Carrier Missing Tailnums Total Aircrafts Percentage Missing
MQ 234 238 98.32%
AA 430 601 71.55%
F9 3 26 11.54%
FL 12 129 9.30%
UA 23 621 3.70%
US 9 290 3.10%
DL 10 629 1.59%
B6 3 193 1.55%
WN 3 583 0.51%
9E 1 204 0.49%

Other practice stuff

Since this chapter has only one question, I will also explore another package naniar(Tierney and Cook 2023) and visdat(Tierney 2017)that deals with missing values. Some key learning: –

  1. Visualize a data.frame to see what it contains

    planes |> 
      vis_dat() +
      labs(title = "A vis_dat() output to see the contents of a data-frame")

    flights |>
      slice_sample(n = 100) |>
      vis_dat() +
      labs(title = "A vis_dat() output to see the contents of a data-frame",
           col = "Type of variable") +
      theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
      scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Accent")

  2. Show missingness in particular, with percentages: –

    flights |>
      slice_sample(n = 100) |>
      vis_miss() +
      labs(title = "A vis_miss() output to see the missing values",
           col = "Type of variable")

  3. Show the proportion of missingness for each variable

    flights |>
      gg_miss_var(show_pct = TRUE) +
      labs(title = "Percentage missing values for each variable in flights dataset",
           y = NULL, 
           x = "Percentage missing values (%)")

  4. To replace a value, say “99” or “-99” with NA, we use naniar::replace_with_na() or dplyr::na_if() . To replace NA with a given value we use, dplyr::replace_na()

  5. Using vis_expect() to see values that fulfill certain conditions

    flights |>
      select(day, dep_delay, arr_delay, air_time) |>
      slice_sample(n = 200) |>
      vis_expect(~.x >= 10)


Tierney, Nicholas. 2017. “Visdat: Visualising Whole Data Frames” 2: 355.
Tierney, Nicholas, and Dianne Cook. 2023. “Expanding Tidy Data Principles to Facilitate Missing Data Exploration, Visualization and Assessment of Imputations” 105.